Electric bicycles are currently a very popular means of travel

Electric bicycles are currently a very popular means of travel, and with their high plasticity and convenience extended out of a number of categories, in the use of scenarios continue to expand, whether it is daily travel or commercial applications are constantly expanding, in addition to daily use scenarios, but also with agility, flexibility and other advantages by the military around the world favor, including Denmark, the United Arab Emirates, New Zealand and Australia and other countries, the article is also introduced.The French military introduced e-bikes
More and more armed forces are incorporating e-bikes into their combat systems, and now the French military is joining in, announcing the completion of the first phase of testing of electric two-wheelers. The official announcement of the models of electric bikes used by the French military is two models produced by LMX Bikes, a French high-performance electric bicycle company.The first model, the LMX 56, was an electric bicycle that was often referred to as a high-speed electric bicycle in France, similar to a Class 3 electric bicycle in the United States, capable of speeds of up to 28 mph (45 km/h). The second model is a lightweight, electric motorcycle called the LMX 161, which can reach speeds of up to 50 mph (80 km/h) and weigh only 99 pounds (45 kg).These two hybrid e-bikes are ideal for military applications, where fast, agile combat tools can meet a variety of combat needs during operations. Motorcycles have also long been used in military applications, but e-bikes have more potential for tactical applications because they run more electrically than traditional combustion engines, as evidenced by the use of light e-bikes in Ukraine's war with Russia.Armies were introduced from all over the country
In addition to France, the armed forces of other countries are also actively exploring the application of e-bikes on the battlefield.
In 2018, the Norwegian armed forces began testing fat-tire e-bikes on their own border patrols.The New Zealand Defence Force began trials of UBCO's electric utility bikes in 2020.
Australian soldiers began experimenting with stealth e-bikes in 2021, the same year that helicopter-mounted e-motorcycles were used for the first time, a combination that could quickly bring special operations teams into the mission area.
The British armed forces are evaluating and considering Ukraine's use of light electric motorcycles in the war with Russia.
Several special forces in Europe and the Middle East have also tested the field use of high-powered electric mountain bikes, and paratroopers have even airdropped electric off-road vehicles onto the battlefield.
Promote the technological upgrading of the industry
However, the demand for military vehicles is different from that of civilianproducts, and military e-bikes usually focus more on concealment and fast movement to meet the needs of reconnaissance and special operations forces. For example, it may be necessary to reduce the volume when designing so that it does not attract attention and moves quickly. Civilian electric bicycles, on the other hand, pay more attention to travel convenience, comfort and high cost performance.
The difference in the use environment makes military e-bikes usually need to have higher durability and adaptability, while civilian e-bikes are mainly used for short trips in daily life, so the requirements in this regard are relatively low.
In terms of performance, military e-bikes may have higher technical specifications, including speed, range, etc., to meet the needs of special tasks, while civilian e-bikes are more focused on price and practicality.
In addition, military e-bikes are usually purchased by the military or government departments and customized to specific needs, while civilian e-bikes are purchased by individuals or commercial establishments, and there are a variety of brands and models available in the market.
The application of electric bicycles in the military field not only improves the quality and technical level of electric bicycles, but also feeds back to the civilian market, improves the product quality and technical level of the entire electric bicycle industry, and also plays a positive role in promoting the development of the electric bicycle industry.

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