The e-scooter craze has swept Australia now

Australia's short-distance travel market is also gradually covered by electric scooters and e-bikes, and in the article that oil prices are still an important factor in the growth of Australia's ebike market, it is mentioned that Australia's oil prices continue to rise, and prices remain high, so micromobility transportation equipment with lower travel costs has become a new choice for residents.
The sharing segment dominates the market in the electric scooter segment, with shared electric scooters being more prevalent than private electric scooters, accounting for 49.6% vs. 12.2%. However, as cities unwind restrictions on private e-scooters, the personal scooter market is also growing rapidly. With more than 250,000 personal e-scooters on sale and use across Australia, the Australian micromobility market has started to grow steadily since 2017, with sales roughly tripling by 2022, according to the Micromobility Report.More popular shared electric scooters
The booming growth of electric scooters in Australia today is driven by a wide range of sharing markets. In the sharing sector, e-scooters are even far more popular than e-bikes, with Beam saying that in cities where e-scooters and e-bikes operate, the ratio of e-scooter usage to e-bike usage is 5 to 1.
At the end of 2018, shared electric scooters first appeared on the streets of Brisbane, and after several years of development, shared electric scooters have spread across cities across Australia, and this market development has been further boosted as cities have relaxed restrictions on electric scooters. According to sharing operator Beam, there were 3.6 million e-scooter riders in 2022, compared to 6.5 million adults using micromobility nationwide, with e-scooters accounting for nearly half of all usage.
More than 97% of users said that electric scooters are more fun and easier than electric bikes, 85% of users use electric scooters for recreational riding, and in the future electric scooter usage survey, about 40% of electric scooter users said they would maintain their current usage rate, and 30% of users said they would increase the frequency of use of electric scooters in the future.Personal electric scooter sales are growing
Australians have ridden 10 million e-scooters and e-bikes, and according to a well-known scooter dealer, sales at a well-known Melbourne e-scooter retailer have seen significant growth since the Victorian government legalised private e-scooters from the beginning of last month, with other retailers also optimistic about sales growth this year.

John Dunnachie, sales and marketing manager at dealer Bikecorp, said sales growth was particularly strong at retailers with e-scooter inventory. And since the government announcement, the number of retailers of the Bikecorp scooter brand has increased by 15.
The growing use of personal e-scooters has led to a significant decline in car usage and the resulting environmental benefits are exceptional, with car ownership remaining high among users of shared excursions in Australia, with 80% of Beam users owning a car, and 67% of passengers surveyed saying that using an e-scooter has reduced their reliance on the car. Beam's latest research of riders across the country shows that 48% of users would have switched to a car if they didn't have a shared miniature device.Introduction of seated electric scooters
The use of e-scooters is mainly concentrated in inner cities, and the journey length is mostly less than 15 minutes. To extend the range of e-scooters, in the past month, Brisbane, Geraldton, Esperance and Rockingham have introduced seated e-scooters, with data showing that seated vehicles can extend riding distance by almost 30% compared to standing riding mode.
Beam, Australia's largest micromotor company, will first launch an electric scooter in Geraldton, Western Australia, with 50 shared electric scooters deployed across the city in August, while a further 100 electric scooters will be deployed in Rockingham and Esperance.
They are designed with the same safety features as Beam's "L-shaped" upright e-bikes, including triple brakes, phone holders, Bluetooth helmet locks, and dual front suspension, and the seated e-scooters can also be rented through Beam's app-based service at the same price as Beam's purple e-scooters.
The development of the electric scooter market in Australia is still in its infancy, although the use of shared electric scooters is very popular, but there are still many cities because of the increase in cycling accidents, still have not opened restrictions on the use of personal electric scooters on public roads, but electric scooters have obvious benefits for the convenient life of residents and the growth of urban environmental benefits, and the electric scooter market is expected to maintain rapid growth in the future.

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